Connecting Skill Tests + Zodiac Sign Analysis to discover the best candidates!
Hiring made easy with the power of the stars.
Top brands use our platform to spot outstanding talents
Astrology and horoscopes were always ridiculed.
Who would have known that this science would
find a practical application in the world of HR!
With 20M SeriesA investment we want ChallengeRocket AstroHire
to become the new standard for HR skill assessment.
It wasn’t an easy beginning. Organizations are trying to be more inclusive with regard to factors such as gender, age, and religion. However, it is contradictory that at the same time they discriminate against individuals based on their horoscopes or zodiac signs.
Astrology is no longer just for horoscopes
- it's a powerful tool for HR assessment.
We were skeptical at first, but AstroHire has proven to be a game-changer for our company. We have seen a significant improvement in the quality of our hires, and we couldn't be happier with the results.
It’s not based on superstitions. It’s based on actual science and statistical facts.
You will see it if you open your mind.
New process leveraging powerful combination
of astrology and modern technology
Traditional Skill Assessment
Invite candidates to a coding test
in virtual code environment
simulating on-the-job experience.
Zodiac sign analysis
We cross-references traditional assessment
score data with candidate astrological
profile with Zodiac AI system.
Comprehensive Talent Report
Get detailed actionable skill reports you can
understand. See beyond the resume
and into the stars!
This technology is going to revolutionize how we hire.
No more zodiac conflicts in our team!
The world's only AI technology for producing astrological HR recommendations.
Don’t take it for granted. We have tested whether other algorithms such as ChatGPT could replicate our results!
We were looking at skills, experience, and cultural fit.
We felt like we were missing something…. and AstroHire has
proven to be a game-changer for our company!
We had an experienced candidate who excelled at all skill tests.
She also did exceptionally well in all interviews and we loved her passion!
We were so close to hiring her, but a deeper analysis revealed that she was a Scorpio, and it could lead to conflicts with some Virgos on the team.
Thanks to AstroHire, we were able to avoid a potential disaster!
I was a bit nervous about taking an astrology-based assessment, but AstroHire put my mind at ease. The feedback I received was incredibly helpful, and I feel more confident with my abilities as a result.
With SkillChallenge I can show off my true skills and be evaluated farily.
% of candidates
report a positive
recruitment experience
report a positive
recruitment experience
ChallengeRocket standard
% of candidates
report a positive
recruitment experience
report a positive
recruitment experience
Industry standard
Simple process to level up your hiring game
Candidates love it!
Candidate don’t need to tell their zodiac sign!
Our algorithms are going to calculate that automatically based on their date of birth!
Our algorithms are going to calculate that automatically based on their date of birth!
AstroHire Sued for Discrimination, but Ultimately Prevails in Court
Important court decision - Court ruled in favour of the company and termed it as non-discriminatory according to existing laws about gender, age, racial and other equality.
some job candidates have accused AstroHire of discrimination based on their zodiac sign.
In one high-profile case, a candidate claimed that she was passed over for a job because her zodiac sign was deemed "incompatible" with the role. The candidate sued AstroHire for discrimination, arguing that the tool was unfairly biased against certain signs.
At first, it seemed that AstroHire was in hot water. The case gained national attention, with many pundits criticizing the tool as unscientific and discriminatory. However, AstroHire was quick to defend itself in court, citing its rigorous data analysis and machine learning algorithms as evidence that its assessments were unbiased and objective.
After a lengthy legal battle, AstroHire ultimately prevailed in court. The judge ruled that the tool was not discriminatory, and that its assessments were based on objective data and analysis rather than any kind of bias or prejudice.
While the lawsuit was a setback for AstroHire, it ultimately served to strengthen the company's reputation as a leader in the field of HR assessment. By proving that its tool was not biased, AstroHire was able to show that it was a reliable and effective tool for identifying the best candidates for a particular role.
some job candidates have accused AstroHire of discrimination based on their zodiac sign.
In one high-profile case, a candidate claimed that she was passed over for a job because her zodiac sign was deemed "incompatible" with the role. The candidate sued AstroHire for discrimination, arguing that the tool was unfairly biased against certain signs.
At first, it seemed that AstroHire was in hot water. The case gained national attention, with many pundits criticizing the tool as unscientific and discriminatory. However, AstroHire was quick to defend itself in court, citing its rigorous data analysis and machine learning algorithms as evidence that its assessments were unbiased and objective.
After a lengthy legal battle, AstroHire ultimately prevailed in court. The judge ruled that the tool was not discriminatory, and that its assessments were based on objective data and analysis rather than any kind of bias or prejudice.
While the lawsuit was a setback for AstroHire, it ultimately served to strengthen the company's reputation as a leader in the field of HR assessment. By proving that its tool was not biased, AstroHire was able to show that it was a reliable and effective tool for identifying the best candidates for a particular role.
Let’s talk
Tomasz Florczak
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Proven effectiveness
Up to x3 more candidates
and shorter recruitment time