Why Do We Apply the Pre-hire Online Challenge

Why Do We Apply the Pre-hire Online Challenge Formula rather than Simply Ask Questions During Job Interviews?
Major reasons are as follows:
We still want to talk but we don’t want to catch you off guard during a job interview. With some questions you may want to take time for personal self-reflection related to your motivations, behaviours and desires.
It allows all candidates to quickly demonstrate a sample of their skills regardless of their formal background and professional history.
It allows us to be more effective, objective and transparent at the preliminary selection process. We want to look beyond CV at this stage. We think that CVs often do not reflect a candidate's full potential. Online Challenge allows us to get insights we would not be able to get otherwise and minimize chances of saying “no” to candidates early on because we couldn’t spot their talent based on resume only.
Job interviews are often seen as "high stakes" environments that cause many to experience stress and anxiety. It’s somehow useful to see a candidate's resilience to stress. But on the other hand those negative emotions often prevent interviewers from seeing the real person and the full breadth of her competencies. We want to limit the nerve-racking experience and see your full potential. Therefore we give every candidate the opportunity to answer some key issues from the comfort of your home without a strict time limit.
Will You Inform Me About my Pre-hire Online Challenge Score?
There are no right or wrong answers to questions in this specific Online Challenge and therefore we don’t apply traditional scoring to it.
To be honest we’re pretty agnostic when it comes to the details of solutions you’re proposing. What we care about is to see the depth and coherence of your thinking as well as to get to know you better.
After reviewing your CV and Challenge submission we inform you about the decision of qualifying to the second and final round of the job interview.
Is It Mandatory To Participate in the Pre-hire Online Challenge?
Your application will not be rejected automatically if you submit your resume but don’t complete the Challenge. Please note however that completing a full online process gives us a chance to get to know you a little bit better early on and can significantly increase your chance.
Also if there’s any particular reason why you prefer not to go ahead with the Challenge completion we would appreciate it if you let us know.
What is the Time Limit to Complete The Challenge?
There’s really no time limit but we kindly request you to submit all answers within 72h after you launch a Challenge.
Who Will I Meet With During an Onsite or Remote Job Interview?
You’ll be speaking with our New Business & Growth Strategy Manager as well as with our CEO.
How Difficult is it to Pass a Job Interview at ChallengeRocket?
We tend to set a high bar and our fallout rate is rather high. A typical rule of thumb we apply is to hire only people who are better than us in one way or another. We do not compromise on that principle.
If you qualify to the final round it means you're one amongst few candidates with the strongest qualifications and potential.
If you’re not discouraged by this approach, let's meet!
How Long Will The Interview Take
It takes around 60-75 minutes.
What’s the language of the Challenge
Questions are in English.
Submit your answers and recording in English, German, Japanese or another language of your choice depending on the market you would like to address when joining us.
What Should I Do If You Don’t Hire Me?
If you don’t end up landing a job with us at this opportunity it doesn’t mean you can’t re-apply again in future. At ChallengeRocket we encourage interviewees to apply again once their experience and skills have increased.
If you truly believe you can contribute to our mission please do not stop in your efforts and
you’ll find a job with us sooner than you think!