Challenge overview
Target audience: Junior Financial Analysts Candidates or treated as part of recruitment for analysts positions
Pre-requisites: no
Time Allowed for Test: 30 min
The test covers checking analytical skills and data interpretation skills for candidates for the position of junior financial analysts or other related. It is possible to use it as a part of recruitment test for any other analyst job.
What are the competences of financial analyst?
- analysis of financial data of entities and market situation;
- preparing reports, recommendations and ratings for managers;
- monitoring legal, economic and political changes and their affect;
- preparation of financial models;
- active data acquisition and understanding through the analysis of publicly available documents.
The test is built in such a way that:
- the candidates have to answer quickly (for each question there is a little more than one minute);
- candidates have to count as much as possible in the memory (which is not always necessary if you understand the given data correctly);
- ability to quickly obtain information from charts and draw conclusions from them is verified;
- ability to understand data from data table and plots (eg. boxplot, stackplot) and quickly draw business conclusions is verified;
- ability to plan well during the performance of individual questions in the test is verified, which means good quality work under time pressure.