Website was created for delivering forecast to user.
On the webpage you can see :
1. Current weather for your city or country ( if geolocation API can`t get your accurate location). When you enter the website, application gets your geolocation by IP.
2. Forecast for five days. For every day you can see :
· Date
· Icon with type of weather
· Temperature
· Humidity
· Pressure
3. Charts with forecast for five days. Charts contain :
· Temperature
· Pressure
· Humidity
4. Weather map. We used google maps API but also added custom icons with weather for cities from “openweathermap” API
5. Search bar. You can find almost all cities in the world (which have meteostation). When you press button “find”, the page automatically refresh current weather forecast for five days, charts and weather map. If you enter wrong city name you will be informed about it by a big red block.
6. Cool dark design. Our team tried to create web application with dark theme , because we couldn`t find such design for websites with forecast (such pages are always in light colors).
7.Responsive web design . Design was created for all types of gadgets , but on gadgets which have width less then 600 you will not be able to see charts (it was unreal to make charts for such size).
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