CodersCamp - kurs programowania webowego
64 submitted projects
JS Raycaster
Take a walk inside a Wolfenstein-like castle with a simple raycasting engine in vanilla JavaScript.
BrickBreaker Game
Game written in javascript, html and css
Brick breaker
Simple javascript game
Wyszukiwanie Ścieżki Algorytmem A*
Wyszukiwanie ścieżki wykorzystując algorytm A*
CodersCamp - WeatherApp
Weather app showing current weather and forecast for 5 days.
Single-page application with weather
Single-page application with current weather , weather for five days and weather map. Also page contains charts with weather for five days.
Weather application
Application for acquring current weather in cities all over the world.
Simple Weather App
Simple weather app that shows current weather and 5-days forecast for selected city or user's location
Aplikacja pogodowa - Pogodyn
Aplikacja podająca podstawowe informaję o pogodzie oraz lokalizacji.
Weather App
Weather web-app with voice browser and speech synthesizer, which will tell you about the future weather.
Weather App - Pogodynka
Aplikacja wyświetla dane pogodowe na podstawie lokalizacji GPS użytkownika.
Chess web game. Try defeat the chess grandmaster Bobby Fischer or play with your friend in hot-seat mode.
Weather app by cc_team
creative app for checking the weather
Polish weather app
Weather parameters for most polish cities.
Weather App
Simply weather app
A website-app that provides weather info and looks well!