Piwik PRO is the first real privacy-oriented alternative to Google Analytics. Created in 2013 in Europe, Piwik PRO Analytics Suite enables to track web, app, product and intranet behaviour of users. Without compromising their personal data, Piwik PRO ensures compliance with the world's strictest security policies and privacy regulations. Together with a powerful platform comes high-touch customer care, training and professional guidance in obtaining the most valuable insights for your business.
Today Piwik PRO hires over 100 specialists and serves customers from all around the world: governments, public institutions, private companies and enterprises like HP, Accenture or the European Commission. But Piwik PRO customers are not only representatives of data-sensitive industries. Many companies simply seek a powerful, integrated platform allowing to collect and manage crucial data, from marketing consents, through user interactions online, to sensitive data in the post-login areas.