Meet Dynatrace
At Dynatrace, we design & build revolutionary, intelligent software that affects how world’s leading companies manage their performance.
Our work is meaningful, and so should be yours.
We thrive in a culture of innovation, with bytes running through our veins and code filling our brains. We deliver smart solutions that beat market standards by light years.
For 9 years running, we have been and continue to be the leaders in the Application Performance Market and beyond because we create and develop an intelligent solution that enables thousands of software companies to deliver perfect user experience.
We believe that thanks to us, the world changes for better, as we enable the great software people use daily around the world to work.
We create Dynatrace because the world needs software to work perfectly.
What we value?
We keep it simple and straightforward.
Common sense have guided us on our journey and enabled us to grow and excel in every way.
As we have developed and matured, we have identified five statements that are the solid pillars of our tech culture.
Be respectfully straightforward with all your workmates, focus on finding solutions and not blaming, help your teammates. To deliver the best outcome, understand ”the Why” rather than simply obey without question. Take pride in creating a winning product.
Know to expect the unexpected, seek beyond obvious solutions. Live the change and improve, this is the only constant. Challenge the status quo to find new horizons and disrupt competition. Let a reason to moan be your motivation to improve, lead the change, and have impact.
Walk the talk
Your words are your actions. Deliver what you promise to your peers and to the market. Create solutions that simply work: Easy, Robust, Valuable. Question the obvious and ask why, so you can focus on what matters. Create value responsibly.
Customer first
Be an early adopter of your solutions. Solve customer needs in innovative ways, not their wants.Thrive to WoW the customer.
Respect and value differences, challenge opinions and ideas in a professional manner, based on facts and with a counter-proposal. Be honest, with yourself, your team and the customers. Don’t beat around the bush, say what you mean but mean what you say. Keep nothing back, fail and learn, succeed and improve. Value talent, brains and skills over color, nationality or sex. Be kind and respectful to
your colleagues. Resist discrimination.
“The software you build is only as good as the people who make it, we made a concerted effort that we must attract and retain the best developers in the world. It helps that our culture is unique, and our people feel as though they are part of creating something that isn’t evolutionary – it’s revolutionary.” - John Van Siclen, Chief Executive Officer.