Camara Project Github
Official complete list of all CAMARA APIs:
Orange Developer Portal
List of all commercial and tested Camara APIs in Orange with use cases:
Quick Start:
Quality on Demand (QoD):
Request a quality-on-demand session from a mobile device to an application server.
Device Location Retrieval
retrieve the mobile device's geographical area position (via a circle in Orange implementation).
SIM Swap (Security)
The CAMARA SimSwap API performs real-time checks on the activation date of a SIM card on the mobile network. It reveals if an individual mobile line has been ported to another SIM card.
Location retrieval
This feature allows you to get the geographic coordinates of a device.
SIM Swap
Network as Code provides identity and security capabilities that allow your applications to prevent or proactively react to fraud by using resources that go beyond traditional 2FA authentication processes.
Quality-of-service on Demand (QoD)
The QoD feature allows establishing prioritized connections between your mobile device and another device or service on the internet.
Additional resources from our partners
We hope the resources below will serve as an additional source of knowledge and inspiration on the possibilities of technology.
Sit back and enjoy!
Nokia, Elisa, and Immersal: Powering up Visual Positioning System (VPS) with Network as Code (→)
Nokia and Elisa enhancing Kepit Systems’ live production experiences using Network as Code (→)
Nokia and Elisa conduct successful PoC on monetizing L4S with Network as Code (→)