Ascend NTNU is the Norwegian University Of Science and Technology's robotics team that is currently competing in the International Aerial Robotics Competition. We are a group of 34 students working voluntarily on building an autonomous drone containing advanced technology within AI, perception, control systems and hardware to solve the task given in chapter \ref{mission}. We are joining the Nvidia Jetson Developer Challenge because we believe that our use of the Jetson TX2 is breaking new ground within the technical fields listed above. To be able to solve the tasks at hand we have to work with innovative solutions and further develop new inventions and new products that have just been released to the market. Our goal is to win the IARC competition while learning and having fun building our innovative drone. We think the Nvidia Jetson Developer Challenge fit us perfectly as well and being able to participate would be a major bonus for the team.
The project is described in detail in the PDF added. Because of the size, the pages had to be split up!
The video introduction of our project is on our youtube channel!
Please reach out if more information is needed!
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