Switches are sometimes hard to reach, and many times one is left with the longing for a switch to be much closer to reach. Voice recognition to switch on/off an appliance is good, but not really okay as you are required to continuously address the system in your voice.Sometimes a person just wishes for tactical feedback!Solution:Have 2 or more webcams around the room which keep monitoring the room.Create a custom paper origami or so object (this can be anything custom designed to even one which is designed specifically for room aesthetics).Have the system machine learn what a custom switch looks like, and let the location of the switch be decided by the user.Have GPIO pins control relays which switch appliances on /off or interact with services.<strong"box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 0px;">Due to above solution, user is able to dynamically reconfigure physical location and services that the custom switches offer at the drop of a hat!This project is one project which i am interested to see what can happen when combined with the power's of Nvidia Jetson using live video instead of taking photos one by one
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