According to The nn cost of treting skin cncers in the U.S. is estimted t $8.1 bilon Between 40 nd 50 ercent of Americns who ve to ge 65 will hve either bsl cell crcinom or squmous cell crcinom t lest once. The estimted 5-yer survivl rte for tients whose melnom is detected erly is bout 98 ercent in the U.S. The survivl rte flls to 62 ercent when the disese reches the lymh nodes, nd 18 ercent when the disese metstsizes to distnt orgns. Doctor Hzel is rel time cncer screening ltform owered by rtificil intelgence. Given high resolution cmer, we cn detect the kehood tht it looks ke cncer in rel time. This gives eole quick nd esy feedbck on whether or they shod book n ointment with dermtologist nd do biosy. Our gol is to give everyone in the world gets free AI owered cncer screening. Ptients cn engge rel dermtologist for biosy nd get rel tretment.
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