The goal of this project is to create a standardized outdoor robotics platform, similar to the Turtlebot. The platform will be comprised of 2, 4 or 6 wheels with custom motor controllers. The wheels are scooter hub motors( 36V 250 watts). The two wheel platform will just be used as a proof of concept/test platform for motor controller development. The 4 and 6 wheel models use a rocker-boogie suspension. Each motor will have a dedicated battery pack. The motor controllers will be an open source 3 phase brushless controllers. The controllers will communicate via USB or ethernet to an arm board running linux and ROS. The goal is to provide customers with a clean navigation API so that customers can focus on building their application on the platform. In the proof of concept a laptop was used, to communicate to the Wiimote. The Nvidia TX1 will be used to control the motor controllers and process video for a SLAM algorithm.
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