The main purpose of this product is to enhance the safety of people who use a pedestrian crossing day and night. It also allows anonymous collection of statistical data on car traffic and the frequency with which the pedestrian crossing is used. This system is mobile, robust and redundant.
It is composed in two parts:
•Nvidia Jetson TX2 using machine Learning to detect cars, bus, truck and pedestrian.
•An Embedded computer to trigger visual alerts to both the driver and the pedestrian.
Two road signs are placed on each side of a pedestrian crossing. They are constantly talking to each other. Each road sign "looks" for cars and pedestrians.
If a pedestrian is crossing, ligths will automaticaly blink on each road sign. If a vehicle is approching, an alert sign will be displayed on the road for the pedestrian.
Comments (4)
Gregory Medwed
sebastien grognon