NVIDIA® Jetson™ Developer Challenge
96 submitted projects
AiSight - A Smart Eye
Next Vision for Blindness Using Deep Learning
We're creating the fertilizer, irrigation, pesticide prescription map for your plants, in realtime with Nvidia Jetson, with AI.
Proteus Cage
The project will develop a multi-camera companion box offered to community and will seek to leverage Jetson AI ability to find lost items
Voice controlled drone + Imitation Learning
Demontration of a voice controlled drone via the intermediate of an Apple Watch. Not shown here is leverage of deep reinforcement learning.
AI camera system for public spaces
T0R0 rover
T0R0 is a rover made for the ERC competition that will take place in poland in September 2018.
The Kiwibot is an autonomous robots that navigates the sidewalks delivering food from restaurants to costumers.
Federated Anomaly Detection with Quantization
Federated anomaly detection with quantization allows unusual events to be identified across multiple data distributions using less bandwidth
Honey Badger
Honey Badger is autonomous, easy to use, modular, portable and rugged robotic platform.This platform can be used in IED detection/fighting.
JETSONAR Smart Security System
JETSONAR is Smart Security System for detection, recognition and location of different noise types in real time.
Demonstration for Promotion of Deep Learning
We are accelerating the promotion of deep learning by demonstrating various algorithms under investigation with Jetson.
Deep Learning Bird Camera
A robotic platform to detect, identify, and record birds in the wild. Uses Tensorflow and a YOLO v2 model to detect when birds are present.
AKARI 灯り ~New Smart Light~
AKARI lights up your life
Wildfire detection enabled camera on Jetson TX2
AI Wildfire Detection enabled Camera Jetson TX2 GPU accelerated.
Online Chinese Chess Platform
Online Chinese Chess Platform with AI. Self learning by Chess Game. Pretending to use deep learning in the AI and improve human performance.
Autonomous Intelligence for Drone Flight Control
Atlas is an AI powered drone that can conduct fully autonomous landings while avoiding obstructions on the ground.